Hi guys!
In this entry we will perform the basic tests of capacity and internal resistance of the Liitokala NCR18650B battery. This will check what their actual capacity is.
Here are a couple of links through which I bought them:
- For orders up to a maximum of 6 cells: NCR18650B Liitokala
- For larger orders, up to 20 units: pack NCR18650B Liitokala
For more details on the experience with buying these cells, you can access this link: Liitokala NCR18650B Battery
Liitokala NCR18650B cell capacity test
For testing I will use one of the most popular battery chargers for their proper functioning. This is the Opus BT C3100 battery charger. You can buy it through the following link: buy Opus BT C3100
First of all, comment that the cells I tested were brand new (newly unpacked). Prior to the capacity test, I performed some refresh loads on the cells (load them and unload them 3 times).
Once ready, I have launched the capability test at an intensity of 500mA and this is the result:
None of the cells have come to give the 3,400mA, but the result is very good. We are facing a real capacity that is around 3,200mA for cells that have a much lower cost than the original cells.
Liitokala NCR18650B cell internal resistance test
Below is the result of the internal resistance test:
In this respect we are talking about a value, which although it is not bad, if it is far from the original cells that are below 35 mOhm. We can say that the internal resistance is the voltage drop that occurs when charging is applied to a stack, and it impacts on the cell “self-consupply” more energy when used.
In any case it is not a bad value, it is simply worse than that of the original Panasonic cells. Bad values that indicate that the cell is already in its last stage of life, are values greater than 300mOhm. They’re still a long way from this.
We already have available the NCR18650B degradation of Liitokala entry where you can see the results.
I hope it was helpful to you. As always, leave your doubts in comments.
Thank you very much and see you next!!